Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nyquil & NoSleep & Isolations in Tokyo


Being sick used to mean staying home and watching a lot of Sailor Moon...these days, it's just kind of a pain in the ass...

I've been up since 4am blowing my nose and unsuccessfully trying to neti pot my way to clear sinuses. However, all attempts at comfort or rest were utter failures, so after a shower and some woefully uncomfortable Sun Salutations, I decided to switch gears and just focus on being distracted.

Cue the Internet!

Since I have recently been getting back into the hoops hardcore, I decided to scour the videos on for something that Wowed and Inspired me. The video above does both - nothing like a good bout of person-produced optical illusions when you are high on Nyquil and No Sleep. 

But seriously, it's awesome. Check it out.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Going Gray and Surrounded by Ideas.

I work for how many different people or organizations now?

One, Two, Three, Four, Five..... five?!? Work week is now seven days...and then Chris and my plans are in the works. Life has been insane, but in a gloriously wonderful way.

So much is happening - one of the most satisfying being talking to an old* friend last night ... we spent about 10 minutes catching up (after more than a year and half of silence), and then an hour discussing the awe-inspiring nature of physics and the comforting scope of the Universe. Mmm, lovely. There is really nothing which really inspires that good, full-body-happy feeling quite like connecting with someone; Feeling understood; Being Challenged. Learning. Laughing.

Of course, I can't forget that getting that happy feeling has also involved a LOT of surrender on my part... 

Sadly, I have not been able to work on as many projects with the new schedule(s) lately... but I do have a work in progress of the face full of Blue-Eyed Optimism which first taught me to just let go a bit:
Going gray and surrounded by ideas.
Hopefully I get a bit more time in the coming weeks to work with Faces, but in the meantime, there's more than enough to do.

And tonight? Well, we'll see.

*by "old" I mean, he's known me since I was 19**, and also.... he must be 40 now, I'm pretty sure.
**holy shit, 19 was a long time ago. (thinks of self at 19): nyaw. (advice for self at 19): breathe more, and crack a smile - i promise it will be okay.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Apartment: 0; Weekend: 1

It was a wonderful, wonderful weekend surrounded by fucking awesome people...

...but now I am facing a long day of cleaning ahead. Time to plug in the speakers and let music motivate me into picking up the paint and plastic explosion surrounding me.

Chris' 3D printer arrived Thursday night....he was awake until 9pm Saturday tinkering around with it. Of course.

That there heart is one of the designs we printed up in standard ol' ABS plastic.  Yes, it IS a heart made out of 8 working gears. Gotta give credit over to some folks at Thingiverse for being amazing enough to have originally designed it, but we have lots of (mostly insane) ideas of our own. More to come on that....

In the meantime, check out what happens when 3D printing goes terribly wrong:
(and then you run to the hardware store in the rain to buy paint to cover it with)

Digital Italian Dinner
Another Ruined Plate

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So, okay, I have a type...

Big, Smokey Eyes? Slightly Surreal? Sign me up! 

Evil Last
Unholy Sin-Her
Snake Charmer
Mommy Four-Legs

I promise I like other styles of art, too, but these eerie, feminine forms always resonate the most. We'll skip right over finding the meaning behind that, and just enjoy the work.

As I have started to explore creating again, it is becoming clear that I have a real desire to manipulate faces; play with what is beautiful or what is disturbing - maybe find a middle ground, but probably end up landing somewhere past disturbing for most people. Meh, I'm okay with that.