Wednesday, June 8, 2011

i went a bit nuts over there ....

"there" being tumblr. and switched things up and moved over a bit ago. i would feed everything over to Facebook, but I have too many posts of topless chicks for such a wide audience of acquaintances:

[and you already knew about]:

i'll end things with some goth girls doing backbends, cause a) why not? and b) this would have been me if I had found ashtanga in highschool. 

Breathe into your chests, ladies.


  1. I imagine that this is what you wear every morning as you lead your yoga classes. I would take every one you offered.

    And I think you need to rethink your 'friending' if you're afraid of topless-girl-offense. The fb realm needs more topless in their feed.

  2. honestly.... i kind of want to start a goth yoga class. come on, that'd be awesome. think outside the box people.
    and's true... i should spam all of my friend's walls with half naked chicks as a test... only the people who give me virtual high fives are allowed to stay.
