Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creation/ Destruction/Cats

Hand sewn/Felt/Buttons = Princess

I <3 technology
Yeah, an apron. A rainbow apron with hot pink straps. I could have never completed this task alone. MANY thanks to Miss CB for her expertise!!!


Weekend wonderfulness, now with Pinatas.
pinata filled with lollipops and legos
A first attempt...
Original stick doesn't work, bust out an empty gin bottle...
....and then pliers....
...add a hammer, a magic wand and a broom...
...and REAP your REWARDS.
Enjoying the spoils.
Well, really only one cat.
"I'm loving this guys."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Understand

Alarm ( ______a.m.). NO. (yes)......noo. (YES). Sigh.(Okay, okay...)
Awake. Catch bus ( ______a.m.). “Good Morning!” 
Elevator up. Walk in ( ______a.m.). “Hello.” 'hello...”
Sigh. (Okay, here – now go, do). 
Begin (approx ______a.m.) (So long these days). It's not about the Time it takes! (I know, I know.)
- - - - - 
Slowly come to. Leaving. “Have a good one.”
'You too.'
Catch the train ( ______a.m.)
Sit. Wait. Read. Sit. Move. (Such tired faces, Everyday.)
Keys Out. Slow steps. (You know this way is harder?) Tomorrow; other way...
Unlock Door
1 -
2 -
3 -

stream of consciousness

blustery, but at least i have my cat back.
photo edits and phone calls and missing people from everywhere....
my roots here are getting deeper and i don't want to leave.

we shall see.

also, this is my favorite movie of all time (most of the time):

my budget wants me to ignore my always-ravenous travel bug, but this quickly becomes difficult.
i'm glad people are coming to me this time.
this is the closest to home i have ever been.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Chris colors a Human Ear:

So, winter in Boston - especially by February - means a lot of time indoors. 


Coloring, of course.

ONE: Sensor Array
I asked Chris what he wanted to color. He said something in the ocean or Pokemon. Since I could not find any Pokemon battle scenes, I went with the human ear. I think he did well with it. He says this is a device to collect radio waves. Future Inventor: Confirmed.
TWO: Curves
Why color in a plain ol' villain, when you could make them GEODESIC? The lovely Julie Newmar outline comes from here:Catwoman Pinup.
THREE: Transporter Malfunction
KIRK: "Where are we Spock?" SPOCK:"Well, Captain. It would appear we have somehow ended up... in Funkytown."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Unexpected Dance Parties

.... especially when they involve tea cups filled with cheap wine, jumping on beds, conquering snowy mountains, singing along to bad music and, of course, spontaneous yoga, will always be near the top of my list of favorite things in the world.

Bonus points if one of the chicks in attendance secretly wants to be a DJ.

Got an hour to kill and some shaving cream?
point and click.